MX One Antibirus 4.5, MX One Antivirus ini adalah software untuk memproteksi Flash Disk dan PC Sobat, selain sizenya yg sangat kecil cocok untuk PC yang punya memori pas-pasan, software ini juga freeware alias gratis, jadi tidak harus mencari serial number, patch, crack atau keygen, dan penggunaanya sangat freely (Mudah digunakan), software ini cocok untuk yang memiliki anti virus yang lama dalam proses scanning seperti Avast, Kaspersky, Avira, dll.
Memang sih dibanding antivirus lain seperti smadav atau artav anti virus yang saya sebutkan tadi itu sangat ampuh dalam mendeteksi virus, tapi kebanyakan orang sangat bosan untuk menunggu hingga proses scanning selesai, tetapi dengan menggunakan software kecil ini sobat mampu melakukan proses scanning dengan cepat (secepat Smadav Pro), dan tepat dan akurat (seakurat Avast, Kaspersky, Avira, AVG , dll).
Easily detect and remove all virus infections
Mx One Antivirus is an antivirus designed to protect the removable storage devices like USB sticks (also known as pendrives), iPod, mp3, mp4, memoirs M2, SD, microSD, and many more devices in an efficient tool.
In addition, you will have the possibility to install Mx One Antivirus directly on your pendrive.
Here are some key features of "Mx One Antivirus":
· Protection against: Virus, Trojans, Worms, Spyware (Spyware), Hacking Tools (Hacktools), Software Risk (Riskware).
· Compatible with any antivirus resident like for example: Nod32, Kaspersky, BitDefender, AVG, Norton, Panda, AVG, Avast, Avira Antivir, among others.
· Protection in realtime
· System "CHECK AND DESTROY" detects and removes all viruses that attempt to infect your device while connected to an infected PC, even unknown viruses.
· System Protection "Guardian" protects your PC from viruses that come in infected and USB devices to connect to your computer infected no matter what if the device has Mx One Antivirus installed or not, also detects even unknown viruses.
· Protection against unknown viruses and new variants with "Heuristic ONE" AND "GENERIC ONE"
· You only need very small 1Mb of space available on either the PC or on removable media.
What's New in This Release:
· New engine of analysis "FireBlue".
· Protection "Guardian" enhanced real time.
· Automatic Updates silent.
· Compatibility with applications that block the autorun.inf file.
· Optimum Start Analysis.
· More detailed analysis.
· Compratibilidad total external hard drives.
· CHECK AND DESTROY A new system based on check and block.
· New protection system for booting.
· Post optimized samples.
· New system of generic signatures "GENERIC-ONE".
· Improved disinfection system.
· Many new options, improvements and corrections added.
Reasons why this program is marked as ad-supported:
· Displays ad banners or other types of advertising material during its runtime
Note : Saat Penginstallan beberapa antivirus menyebutkan installernya bervirus tapi ini hanyalah false alert/kesalah fahaman.
-MX One Anti Virus 4.5
-Mirror | MX One Antivirus 4.5
-MX One Anti Virus 4.5
-Mirror | MX One Antivirus 4.5
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